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He rose to his feet. "Ok, but you better stop there, because I'm doing everything else." He smiled and unsnapped his pants. He motioned to the floor. "Time to finalize the deal." Before he left, I gave him my spare key. I also had to swallow my pride (and his cum), but I got that tape back. (No way I was letting him leave with it and make copies.) When he left, I ran to the bathroom to vomit. I wondered if it was from the alcohol, what I'd just swallowed, or what I'd just done.... The next week. And now you save my body from being splattered all over the pavement."Grinning sheepishly, "now that would have been a shame to do such a terrible thing to such a lovely body."I blushed, feeling his hot hands still on my body, burning my skin as one still held my arm tightly and the other was gently draping my waist. I felt him release them as his eyes noticed my embarrassment."I'll tell you what, I will let you make it up to me. If you don't have any plans for tonight, how about dinner with me. I was getting fucked hard at both ends and the sensation and the orgasm was terrific. What a great birthday I was having. It turned out that the best was yet to come, Alun was playing musical chairs. It started off with 4 chairs, my mouth and my pussy as safe. Once everyone had got into the swing of things when the music had stopped everyone not fucking me had to fight for a chair. If they did not get one they had to sit it out until the end. Alun was good on the HiFi, he had them going for. "This wasn't in my plans. My first thought was to refuse to take him, but that would have just made him more curious. It was a risk, but I finally decided that it was one that I had to take. At least now I knew why he wanted me to drive him to the doctor's office.I drove over to Carla's and parked in her driveway."Can you go in and get her for me Barry? And then, could you let us have some privacy for a few minutes?" Walter, are you sure that this is such a good idea? You don't really need any.
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