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.wow...... She turned onto her front and unclipped her top so she had nothing on her top half but was laying on her front , she said don't just stand there put some sun screen on will you, I thought I would cum there and then but I managed to control myself and I started to apply the lotion on her back , she began moaning slowly saying it was lovely I was now rubbing the side of her body touching the side of her breasts judy eased her body up so now I could feel the whole of her breast I then. Perhaps it wouldn't have made much difference if we'd been earlier, come to that as I'd have called earlier anyway.The upshot was that just as I banked the Norton round the corner by the Golf Club, the phone rang. Nobody spoke, but I heard the sort of noises you get from a phone in a pocket that's been accidentally turned on (like, you forget to lock the keypad) but with some noticeable knocks. I wound the bike up and got to the Ferryboat Inn just in time to see a hot VW Golf shoot past; the. .. but was concerned that with her moving around and handing out gifts... that I was soon to loose my perfect view of this luscious pussy. Even though she was up and down several times... somehow the great view that I had was restored. There were several opportunities for her to adjust her skirt and block my view... but this just didn't happen. It was then that I realized that perhaps she was enjoying the fact that she was providing me the opportunity to view her pussy as much as I was enjoying. She looked around for someone she knew who might give her a ride but there was no one. She didn’t have enough money for a cab, so her only choice was to walk home. It wasn’t too far and she walked fast, but with her heavy bag, it would take at least one and a half hours. She sighed and shifted her bag, starting the six mile trek home. She shivered a little, regretting her decision to leave her jacket. If she was lucky, she would get home before it got dark and chilly. Her glance at the gray sky.
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