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His precum though, that was much different. It was mildly salty but also very intoxicating, more so than the smell of his cock. I loved tasting his cum, and when it would finally burst forth and either fill my mouth or cover my face, I would lick it all up and swallow it. It wasn't just the taste that I loved, but the idea that part of him was inside of me, that I was consuming his seed. It was the closest I could be to a person, swallowing the fluid he produced in reaction to the loving things. I was helpless and I obey there order, and take off my nightie I was wearing pink colour bra and panties which is very suitable for my colour, Sangeeta asked take off bra, and I refused but one girl pulled my bra and my boobs came out. One girl pulled my panties, and all of them saw my clean shaved pussy, with long lips, "nice count" one other girl passed the comment. And they asked how you masturbate, I said I won't. "tho kiske saat choodwayegi" one other girl asked, I got annoyed and shouted. This was a group of probably 10 or so guys again, mostly white guys but a couple of black guys as well, and all of them were in pretty good shape. A couple of hours in and she is a bit tipsy, so she decides to invite them back to her when the club closes, so I decided right there that tonight, I was going to make it happen again - Anyone that came back to the house would have the opportunity to see her naked. All I had to do, was make sure she was drunk enough to pass out, which wouldn't be. We both got wet and lathered up each other's cock and balls and I took particular care to make sure that I cleaned his glans and foreskin thoroughly. He did the same - when we were done and rinsed off, he turned off the water and we got out of the shower and we each grabbed a towel and dried each other off. Then we walked over to the bed and started kissing again and feeling each others' cocks. We then laid down on the bed and continued kissing and fondling each other. We were both hard and our.
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