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She was moaning with pleasure. Those sounds made the environment so sexy. She gone mad and pushed my head today her pussy and asking me to not to stop and I followed her. She was just moaning ahhh ohhh ummmmmmmm fuckkkk fucccckkkkkk. Mmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhh ahaaaaa, lick me more harrrddddddd. She had this tongue fuck for 10 min and explodes her juice in my mouth. I cleaned her pussy without wasting a single drop. She was in heaven.I went and slept next to her. She placed her hand on my rod and we. One buddy of mine would call hers a ‘blowjob mouth.’She is short and petite; you can barely make out the bumps where her breasts are and, because of that you know she will be a less endowed woman. Her stomach is flat and her hips have proper development for a fourteen-year-old girl. Her ass is just slightly larger than it should be, but that only adds curves to a body in need of a more womanly look. It is as if she is fully developed from the waist down while her upper half is still that of a. She took it in her hand and almost dropped it when I switched it on but she remained composed and it was clear after a while that she didn’t want to let go. "Have you ever used one before?" I asked. "Never," she replied, "But I might put one on my Christmas list." We giggled and then made a dignified exit. I thanked Lucy for covering and we made our way to Wendy’s car. On the way home she couldn’t stop talking about all the items she’d seen in ‘Playthings’ and how horny it must be to work. I looked at Marcus and he nodded....."get over there"I walked over and James said "Damn Jay, you and Chris look cute together" Then James pushed us together and said "give each other a little kiss" I said "NO, thats not what I do" Marcus looked at me and said " You do today" and gave me a stern look. "Put your arms around each other and lets see a little kissing......And use some damn tongue" So, we didI knew they were just playing around so I just went with it. I put my hands on Chris's.
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