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I went over the second chapter for her and showed her some of the problems for the chapter until she could do them by herself. She started on the assignment questions and I continued on mine, a few questions farther along. We were only half and two thirds done respectively when Vicky told me I should head out to get to practice at the arena."Ok Ladies, see you later. Vicky, are you meeting me at the arena or at home?" I asked."Not sure yet, I think the three of us need to keep working here so. " "But he is my step-father," Jenny insisted, "so there is no problem." "Not as far as the law goes," Ray told her, "but I know Bob, he is not interested in the law, he sees you as his daughter, his little angel, end of story. No chance in the world that you will talk him around, sexy girl." "But he has other women, doesn't he?" Jenny asked him, "Isn't that why Mum kicked him out?" "Yes, he has women," Ray admitted, "but not in a romantic way. He pays for his pleasure, Jenny. He uses... how. You have to understand I am from a small town, and have never had a make over basically because the cost would have been more than I could afford. So I had no idea what to expect from either the hair and make up treatment or the photo shoot. My nerves were tingling and my excitement was on the boil, these two people fussed and messed about. All of a sudden Sarah said,“Right we need you to drop your clothes off.”“Isn’t there a screen of some kind,” I almost shriekedYes I. – Amy wake up. – she slowly opened her eyes, and looked at me. – For gods sake what have you done Amy? – I whispered to her. – What are you talking about Roby? – About this – I moved a bit and she realized what I was talking about. – I was asleep I dont know how it happened. – she said. – Yeah right. And I must believe you right? – Dont call me a liar. – she sobbed. – Sorry I didnt mean to upset you but this is to much for me. – I dont understand whats youre problem. – she said still crying. –.
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