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We were laying in my bed when I complained, ‘Corey I’m hot. Will you turn the fan on?’ He looked down at me. ‘Sure.’ He got up and turned on the switch to the ceiling fan. Then he went over to the rotating fan by my bed and turned it on as well. He laid back down with me. I smiled at him, ‘Thank you.’ And I gave him a kiss on the cheek. We watched the end of Made of Honor, my favorite movie. ‘That is so sweet. I wish somebody would love me that much.’ I said when it ended. Corey smirked. I. “I’m disconnecting the old one,” he replied, looking my way. ‘Let me know if you need any help,” I replied.‘Hang around and I’ll make a plumber’s helper out of you,” Alex responded. Oh, my Gawd! I watched as his biceps tightened as he worked with another large wrench under my kitchen sink. I found myself taking in the entire length of his body as it lay out before me. “Can I watch?” I pressed.“Sure,” Alex responded. I slipped onto all fours next to Alex and peered up under the sink. I had no. " She commanded seductively, as if hypnotized, the two WWF Superstars reached down and pulled off their shorts, exposing their erect penises."Now I want you to get next to each other and compare cocks." Debra ordered. Still in their trance, they obeyed, and Debra looked to see that The Rocks darker Cock was "Rock Hard" Indeed, it was very fat, and six and a half inches, pretty impressive. Stone Colds monster wasn't as thick as The Current, but it was 7 1/2" in length, beating out The World. He comes back to the chair, dropping his trousers as he sits down, and grabs my ankles, placing my feet either side of his cock. He slowly starts giving himself a foot job with my nylon covered feet. He slowly moans, and mumbles that he’ll have to stop as he’s not ready to cum. Then, these words leave my mouth“Don’t stop then” he simply laughs at me and calls me a dirty fucking skank. He stands up, his massive black pole staring me in the face, inches from my lips, he looks down at me, me eyes.
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