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I really like sex, but boys and men don’t like me”. She once again answered so innocently. I was getting fed up with her ‘plastic innocence’ and thought it was just a smoke screen. Let’s face it, she was having sex with a 40 year old when she was 14. I stood up and undid my flies, and stood by her, with my crotch close to her face. She smiled and instantly pulled my trousers down. She smiled wider as she pulled out my semi hard cock from my boxers, and slowly moved her head towards my. I walked slowly to the bed and got a great look at her big mature labia. I just held myself from jumping on and taking them in my mouth. That was it. I had to release but I didn’t want to leave the room.That’s when my mind started working. I walked silently to my father’s office and brought back his digital camera. I was hoping that she was still in the same position. For my luck she was. I took a few shots and plenty close-ups. I left back to my father’s office and loaded the photos on a CD-r. As he walked thru the door, his eyes widened as he saw his elegant wife in the center of the bed.Taking her pointer finger she motioned for him to come to her. He obliged and walked to the bed and leaned in to kiss her gently on the lips. “I see you have something in mind,” he said as his lips meet her soft luscious lips. “Yes, as a matter of fact I do!” she said. She reached over and pulled the silk throng panties from the night stand. “You need to go to the bathroom and put these on and let. He didn't thank me. The ring is securely hidden in my old family ranch house in Texas. It's a very bad ring, but not hopelessly evil, and it has certain powers of its own that in the right hands could become useful some day to somebody ... but not to me.Not in my hands, because I know my own weaknesses too well. It would take a very strong willed person to wield that kind of power and they must be nearly incorruptible. That's not me, nor anyone else that I've ever met in my life.On the morning.
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