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“You might need to be punished.” “Oh punish me, my goddess, however you see fit.” Oh she would, she thought. Remembering the flogger from earlier, she went and grabbed it off the wall. “On the bed now, on your back,” she ordered, breathing a little fast. “Yes my goddess,” he responded, and laid down as ordered. He was definitely enjoying this, as evidenced by his arousal. He was so sexy. Slowly, she ran the leather threads along his skin, watching him react and shiver. That was so delicious,. She raised her eyes back to met his, her mouth turning up in a mischievous grin.To her disappointment, Tom said nothing, but picked up his drinks and walked back to his date. No follow-through, Phoebe thought, resigning herself to the fact that fantasy Ranger Tom and her vibrator would have to get her off again tonight.She slowly finished up her beer and went to use the ladies’ before heading back home. When she came out from the bathroom into the corridor, she was surprised to see Tom propped. “I’ll be right there.” She asked me to come to the salon. When I drove up to the house there was a car in the driveway. I entered the salon to see Aunt Cathy talking with a woman about thirty years old, blond hair, in good physical shape. She had a…serious look to her – sort of like a soldier, but not the thousand mile stare. She was about 5’3” and very pretty. Her hair was cut in a… practical way. What was in about her? “Drew, this is Celeste. This is the first time I did her hair. She’d like. Sara glared back at Cameron. “You didn’t tell him?!”Cameron shrugged.Sara groaned. “You really are an asshole, Cameron.”“There isn’t any water here!” Wayne’s voice came from the kitchen. He kicked the door open, letting them all smell the trash Cameron had left rotting in the garbage bags. “Can we please get out of this shithole?”“Ohhh, sweetie,” said Sara, giving Wayne a big hug. Cameron couldn’t help but watch as she squashed her breasts against him. Wayne definitely noticed it too and.
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