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Without breaking from our kiss, she managed "Oh my." She finally drew back but only to take my shirt off and she instantly like what she saw. "You are too damn sexy to be 16." She kept her hand wandering up and down my torso, occasionally making a pit stop at my crotch to rub my dick. I didn't want to be too anxious so I just kept kissing her with my hands resting on her hips. She parted from our kiss to say, "Look Chris, don't be nervous, this is just between us, do to me whatever you wish and. Her mouth perfect,she sucked like it was her final blow.The tongue was at our heads and i couldnt hold much longer so i cum in her mouth for a millionth time.She swalloed them with pleasure.The guy was better then me,he riterally fucked her mouth for 10 minutes.After the blowjob she started to kiss the guy like crazy.She was on heat.She gave me her arm and she continue to kiss the guy.She took my dick and put it inside her. ”Come on babies fuck me….Fuck your milf.YOU come fuck your moms friend. The girl smiled at Mr. Tamraj and said. Yes, Sir. What can I do for you, Sir? Nodding toward Seema, Mr. Tamraj told the girl what he wanted her to do. Jenny, this is Seema. Shes new and will be working here. She doesnt know how to dance. I want you to teach her everything you know about dancing, how our business here works, and how to please our customers. Be sure to get her a costume that will show off her best features, especially those tits. Help her with a little make-up as well. That will. He must have seen the guy watching us. It was so crowded and it seemed like there was nowhere to go. He opened a door, it was a closet with a broom and vacuum. He threw those out and shoved me into the tiny little space. Umm I get a little claustropho– Shhh he said, putting his hand over my mouth. He stared at me. His eyes were so deep and his mouth was tantalizing. Lowering his hand, he slowly brought his lips towards mine. He didnt want to fuck. He wanted to make love. There was something.
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