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The regular bodyguards all had spears and knew how to use them. The bearers had khopeshes and knew how to use them. I had a mace and a khopesh and knew how to use them. The upshot was that the attackers did not have a chance, and I wondered who could have been so stupid as to think that they did.The battle lasted only five minutes or so, and most of the would-be assassins escaped simply because they made a point to stay out of reach of the Army spears. In fact, I never had a chance to swing. When two blood spattered men carrying a gunny sack were observed, they were taken into custody and found to have the Nettleton silver in the bag, as well as other items identified by servants as property of the slain Nettletons.Another slightly smaller headline at the right lower corner of the front page said:"NETTLETON ORPHANS REMOVED FROM SAD STRUCTURE."That story was about how there were no relatives to be found, and the children had been removed to a boarding house where they would be cared. “Come on, Maggie Meredith, let’s go get a beer,” said Jan.It was three beers, a round apiece, and then Trish and Jan invited Maggie home, to the Phi Kappa sorority house for dinner. Although it wasn’t a party night, the evening was busy, with beer flowing and music blaring, and several hunky looking guys wandering around. Maggie’s new friends explained that it was the start of Rush Season, the period when fraternities and sororities began recruiting new members.The Greek system was strong on. My father okayed it and all the problems were solved within 6 months and the company regained its glory. After 2 years gayathri bhabi was awarded by a organisation for her excellance in administration. Father was happy& my mother also started to appreciate her.myself & shaam accompanied gayathri bhabhi for the function at new delhi. We stayed at our guest house .bhabhi & shaam bhaiya went into their room & i went to my room . I turned on the tv had coffee and browsed throgh newspapers .then i.
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