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"Clark said, "I want you to be able to take any cock at any time without hesitation. I will make it so you beg strangers to fuck you."He was so commanding that it made me nervous but I have had many guys fuck me over the years including two strangers last night. But he was right I did have a little hesitation last night. And I was horny and why not. I want cock.Clark and I were now relaxing in the living room as the doorbell rang.Clark said, "Go to your bedroom and I'll get the door."I went. Of course hosting a New Year's Eve party at the house was tradition but really it was my parents' tradition and they weren't here now so it was down to me to keep it up.Everyone was downstairs as I made my way to my room. There was no need to be there any more as the staff would provide the guests with the much needed alcohol they required to be interesting. As I approached my room however, I saw that the door was ajar. Who could be in there? A lost partier? Or a nosey "friend" looking for. He impressed me. He hypnotized me.He went to study law at Harvard. So law was the thing for me. I struggled in his wake at a New York law school. I have never seen him fail a test. I had to redo most of them. As a matter of fact, : I have never seen him with a book. I was never without one.After we married we went to work. I was still gasping to keep my head above water when he was admitted to the bar. I was still slaving through hopeless briefs and pro bono cases when he was made the youngest. “Quite,” I said to Gillian. I looked to the front of the temple again – and saw where Johanna was speaking with another Panarii. I strode towards the two of them. As I came closer, I caught the trialing edge of Johanna’s words: “ ... to be held tonight, surely?”“Of course. With full honors,” the man said.“What is this all about?” I asked as I came to stand beside them. Johanna looked to me, her eyes rimed with the telltale signs of tears. The fellow she had been speaking to shifted his stance.
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