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He shot several squirts of cum right into my wife’s mouth as the rest of his cum splashed all over her neck. My wife then got up and led Dave into our bedroom as she walked right past me. They headed into the shower so my wife could get cleaned up. I listen right up against the bathroom door as they both were in the shower together. I heard my wife say, “Dave I want to suck that beautiful cock!”I heard my wife slurping on his cock as Dave moaned out, “Oh man, is that good!”They were in the. ?get on your four if you don’t wish to show yourself to the world? and I did as I was commanded. She placed her box on my back and she attached a collar to my neck and a leash and started walking out pulling the leash. ?As you are my pet now carry my stuff and don’t drop it? she demanded. As we stepped out of the office we took the lift for the parking lot. We reached her car. She opened the trunk of the car and placed the box.?I need to take a pee? she said and she pulled the leash upwards. I. I raised my eyebrows at Richard, and he laughed heartily. "I told you she was different, remember? I've never seen a girl like this before." I raised an eyebrow at him. "I haven't even told you the best part yet! She self ships, no questions asked." He leaned back in his chair, and let what he just told me sink in. I was in awe... moving slaves was a tiresome inconvenience, often expensive and hard to arrange for something that is so mundane for a normal person."You've got to be kidding me," I. I heard a gasp and Diana yelled. "I'm coming!"I continued to suck on Steve's cock all the while feeling the magic of his mouth and throat on my cock. We started to suck each other at a faster rate.Steve's hips moved and I felt his cock get harder. He groaned and shoved his cock deep into my mouth. He exploded and I swallowed without thinking. It was more defensive than anything else. He shot again and I moved my head back. I wanted to taste his hot cum. He did not disappoint me. He shot another.
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