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They are still the sames as we have today for most part. There has of course been some smaller additions and some rewriting to make certain things fit better, but when you get to the academy and go to the museum, you can see the original rules and regulations and see how close they are to current.There were of course a lot of discussion on everything of it, but somehow the core values were not discussed much, they were taken as self evident and the discussion was mostly about how to achieve. He was smiling as he looked down into my car staring at my legs, when he looked up at to my face I smiled and wagged my finger at him, he was blushing as I pulled away from the light. He caught up to me at the next light, this time he was braver, smiling at me he licked his lips, I giggled and said ‘oooooh’, he couldn’t hear me but he could read my lips. I pulled away from the light and into the first parking lot I came to, he followed me, parking next to me. I got out of my car and walked to. After dinner, he sat in the living room talking to Mom and Dad.They discussed his assignment aboard something called a Medium Endurance Reliance Class cutter and where he’d be stationed. What got my attention was he’d be on the other side of our state, only about a three-hour drive from here. They went on questioning him about his duties and length of service and so on.I announced I was going to bed and everybody said, “All right,” since I didn’t usually make an announcement about that. I lay. She wonders to what she will do for his next adventure. He silently re-enters the room and finds her admiring his priceless items. She turns around and is startled to see him standing with a sly grin. She begins to undress and ask how he wants his adventure. He steps toward her and presses his finger to her lips. Grasping hers hand, he stops her from fully disrobing. She appears puzzled, but allows him to do as he desires for her. He slowly begins to kiss her neck, softly rubbing her back with.
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