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Their modus operandi was pretending that things weren't so bad or expecting someone else to stand up and address the ills of the day. Sure, they were against this injustice or that illegal act, but they were willing to fight for what is right only from the comfort of their couch, thank you very much. He snorted in derision.A bus sped pass, hitting a puddle with a thin coating of ice. Dirty ice and water splashed up on the sidewalk catching Brendan's shoes and the cuffs of his pants. Without. "Don't let these little shorts get in your way," said Sam, as she slid the shorts down, and kicked them aside, revealing the tiniest thong covering the shaved pussy underneath. Then she pulled back, and peeled off her top, revealing a pair of firm little a-cup tits, that proudly stood out from her chest."Wow," sighed Jay in appreciation, as he looked over the fine body that Sam had just unveiled for him. "You are so fuckin' hot, you're makin' my mouth water," he said, as he pushed her back on. He pulled about a quarter of the way out and sank into her completely. He held himself fully inside her as her body adjusted. When she was okay, Mishy gave a nod and Dave lowered his torso down on to his elbows and kissed her as he began to slowly hump in and out of her."This feels so good," Mishy cried between kisses. "Go faster. Please go faster. It feels so good."Dave decided to torture her a little and continued at the same slow pace."Please, Mr. Bernard, please. Go faster, please?"Dave. I. Came back on line."Sir we need to get away from this planet now." the A.I. Said.The commander raised an eyebrow at the A.I. But nodded."You heard Adam, power up the Hyper Light engines, micro jump to the Oort cloud, full speed"The Golems braced themselves as the ship turned and activated the engines, during the 3 hour flight every system was double checked, the commander got a Quarry from the A.I. For a private conversation.He activated the link.// "Yes adam?"// "Sir I believe I know what.
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