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”“Um.” Zack took a deep, shaky, breath. “After I got kicked out, I sort of just slept in the park for a few days. It were summer so it weren’t too cold. Except when it rained. But I found a bit of shelter. This woman looked after me for a bit as well. She were homeless as well. She helped me to find food, but I had to give her half of everything I found. About two year later she died. Pneumonia they said. Turned out when she died she were only thirty hersel’. Then I were on me own again, but I. Holding it in my hand, I went closer to Akanksha. I licked her armpits and tasted her cold sweat. And then I dropped some melting wax on her armpit. She jumped a bit in bed.I asked her, “Do you like how that hot wax feels on your soft skin?”She was simply so lost, and she said, “I am your slut and I am ready to try anything you want me to”.This turned me on even more. I went further down and started licking her boobs. I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked on it a little and then I dropped. It was a lot easier than trying to make sure he stayed asleep while sober. She couldn’t help it; Ever since she came back from college to stay with him, she couldn’t help but be attracted to him. He hadn’t been in her life much when she was younger, and she saw why- he was a drunk, one of the nice ones who just laughed at dumb stuff and passed out, but a drunk.Even then, she had to admit that Leon was an incredibly handsome man. Honestly, he was any girl’s fantasy man with a toned body,. "No," I laughed, feeling guilty for wishing she was someone else calling. "He had to work."Rhiannon's giggle was infectious and reminded me sharply of how little we'd really changed since our university days. "Did you... ? I mean, how was it?" Yes and amazing," I supplied laughingly."Omigod," Rhiannon squealed. "Details!"I shook my head even though she couldn't see me over the phone. "I think I want to keep this to myself for a while."There was a silent pause on the other line. "That good huh?".
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