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It was a porn video. In the screen plumber entered a house and to fix the shower and a girl was bathing as she was in a hurry.Soon both of them started kissing and removing their dress and getting naked. I was very ashamed by seeing all these and a shockwave hit through my body I couldn’t move. The guy took out his large cock and the girl was giving him a blowjob.This was more than what I could handle at that time. I turned back to told Alice to stop.But I was shocked she removed her shirt and. “That was so cool Georgia, can I have a copy of that video please?”I told her that she could and also explained how to cast from her laptop to her TV.Thinking ahead to the orgasm club, I decided to tell her about my hypnotism, but before doing so I got her to promise never to say the trigger word unless I told her to.“I don’t understand, and what’s a trigger word?”“It will all be clear in a minute Riley.”To her total amazement I explained what I had got Chuck in Ibiza to hypnotise me to do.“No,. Dabei verrieb er den Speichel auf meinen Titten – er verdampfte auf meiner heißen Haut, der Geruch von vertrocknendem Speichel ist etwas animalisches, mich macht er wahnsinnig geil.Seine Nägel kratzten über meine steifen Zitzen, schmerzhaft, richtig geile Schmerzen.Dann, nach endlosen Sekunden, Minuten? Keine Ahnung, er raubte mir den Atem und die Kontrolle.Endlich gab sein Mund mich frei.Ich lockerte meinen Mund ein wenig, meine zerknautschten Lippen, meine zerdrückte Zunge entspannten sich. 'Hah! And I was the one worried about hubby's morals!' she thought to herself.The sexy mother smiled at her young man, who obviously was proud of his penis. “Well, I guess you won't have to listen at our door tonight, since you got your jollys this evening, Huh?”“No, I guess not, thanks mom. You understand about Schenectady, it was just a porno movie, nothing else, Okay?”“Scandal-ectady case closed. No harm, no foul. I hope that the spell won't wear off your father for a while, I'm enjoying.
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