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He reached back and placed each of his hands tightly onto her beautiful ass, and began to ram his cock hard up into her. This sent my wife into a tizzy, and just a short time later she cried out into another powerful orgasm in front of me. I now sat there in great excitement wanting to jerk off, but I did my best to hold off. Matt then had Jen get on all fours on the bed. He said to her, "Oh god baby! I am going to fuck that pussy so hard from behind!"Jen laid there with her ass in the air,. U.M.M. seems to have vanished, these politicians will probably sell their voices and votes to any other group that is willing to provide the cash. They appear to be extremely mercenary in their actual day to day dealings; yet most have found a way to please their constituents at the same time usually by getting a little extra funding for some local project of special interest to the voters in their districts." Sounds like we'll have to determine what to do with these crooked political types. She rained blows down on my cheeks repeatedly telling me how she loved sluts who liked pain and how she could tell I was a complete whore.Her hand moved away and she then replaced it with a paddle. She told me she was going to give me 10 strokes with the paddle. She started to count each one as she beat my arse black and blue. It was agony and I was itching to use to the safe word but desperate to please her by not doing so.After the 10th stroke she gave me an 11th, 12th, 13th it just went on. His wife always went with him as she did on this trip. He was dressed in a suit and tie, and with his dark hair and olive complexion he looked very distinguished. Everyone said they made a handsome couple. Mrs. Marten must have fallen asleep for a while, as she did not hear her husband tell her that he was going to the breakfast car and would be back in about an hour. When she awoke, she noticed a man sitting next to her who was not her husband. She noticed how handsome this man was. He was.
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