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Sara found Tiffany and kissed her cheek in thanks."Thank you, Tiff. We left no traces." Then she went to find Tammy and leave for home."Where the hell have you been, Sara? I've been looking all over for you," Tammy said as they walked along the dirt road.Sara giggled like the fifteen year old that she was. "I was up in Tiffany's room with Lenny." Doing what?" What do you think we were doing?" teased Sara."Tell me! Tell me!" Tammy begged.So Sara told her, bragging, in glorious sexual detail.. "Mmmmm, I really like this," Mr. B said tugging on my corset. "You look so good."He pulled off his shirt revealing his toned chest and abs. God, he was sexy."What are you going to do to me, baby?" I whispered."I have many ideas, Kimmi," he replied. "I see you have solved the issue of your wiggling around all the time. I think I will start by testing out your straps."He leaned over me and started kissing my neck. I was already hot and pulling against my straps. This man knew how to turn me on.. Seamus smiled and he hugged me, saying it was nice to meet me.As we got closer to the door, he stepped back and he made me go inside before him. The room was dark and filthy; it smelled tobacco, seat and sex…Seamus closed the door behind us and he smiled at me.He was a little heavier than he looked from his pictures and a little older looking too. He was not wearing any shoes.He stared at me, saying I looked even more beautiful and sexier than my pictures. The black guy got closer and he put. You damn well know i followed them .getting more and more pissed by the minute . I remember thinking this is not what it seems . maybe a friend of hers husband or some thing , but why leave her car !?!?it's getting pretty dark now . we they drove for about 10 miles . and pulled into a drive way of a modest house and got out . the houses where not really close together and his had nice trimmed bushes and and it was dark . I parked down the street . not sure what to do . go bang on the door.
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