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I have taken back my maiden name after Ned and I gotdivorced," she assured."Well, I...I don't want to live like this anymore," Timmy returned."Oh really...". Gladys turned and set her magazine down. "You're doingsuch a nice job and doing so well Joyce. Why would you want to leave?" Tim. My name is still Tim," Timmy returned with an edge that madeGladys chuckle and smile."You certainly don't look like a Tim anymore now do you? Miss Joyce?You've been here over two years now. You're looking. ”“Nonsense Floyd! It really didn’t hurt as much as you might think. The rush was incredible and the next time it will probably be very erotic. No pins, needles, spikes or posts this time. This time we were thinking of maybe some genital piercings on our labia maybe. Maybe hang some weights from them?”“Damn! You really are some pain sluts. What are you thinking of this time?”“We were thinking maybe using some hooks this time, then lacing up our lips to lock them closed while entrapping something. You're always saying I don’t have to ask." You don’t but I'll still hate you for it," she informs him."That doesn’t make sense." He is confused. "That's an empty threat. So far you've loved everything I've done to you." I've gotten off on it all but I still hated most of it," she admits."What do you mean?" he remains perplexed."Do you really think I enjoy getting my ass fucked or your fist being shoved inside me? It hurts like hell and I hate you for doing it to me. Of course, getting forced to. “Get on your knees Miss Martin and open wide.”I dropped helping him undo his belt and sliding down his zipper while wetting my lips. I looked up into his eyes and slowly opened my mouth, spreading my full lips and dropping my tongue so he could enter me as he wished. “What the fuck are you doing? This is your job slut, your going to make me do all the work? You make me laugh….suck my dick.”His cold demeanor caused me an embarrassed, blush as I realized he expected me to reach for his throbbing.
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