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He seemed to be thinking about the implications of my revelation. He cleared his throat and began talking again. ‘In a strange way, so am I,’ Albert said. ‘Though I am a master of all things flora, I’m really inexperienced in matters of the heart.’ ‘It’s Valentine’s Day,’ I reminded him. ‘I think love is the true invisible hand and a guide that will not lead us astray.’ ‘Goodness, you’re quite the philosopher too!’ He reached behind me with his arm and pulled me up against his side. I almost. "The other one was smarter and they have come to a sort of understanding now. They've set up shop together and have gathered a few Cro-Magnons up, but they lord it over them pretty hard," Rose said."Did you see all that on video last night?" I asked."No, Sigfried told me just before he left this morning. We don't have video of their camp. He wouldn't provide it, but I did talk him into giving us a couple of feeds from Cartallow's camp before he left," Rose said."Great, where can I see it?" In. ‘Anything.’ ‘Even secrets about yourself, Tamsin? Secrets so deep that you’d rather die rather than divulge them?’ ‘At this point,’ Amanda breathed, ‘I’d tell you my bank account Pin number and my dirtiest sexual fantasy.’ ‘All in good time, Tamsin,’ the voice replied, calm and unruffled as he had been at the start of the conversation. ‘All in good time.’ There was a pause, during which time all Amanda could hear was that music in the background. There was a rustling sound, like somebody. She told Clay that she was an only child. Her parents were very conservative and she was still a virgin, kept in tight rein by her father who, until she was 16 years old, whacked her behind with a wooden paddle when she did not conform to his house rules. Before the initial interview ended, Clay had explained that before he could make any decisions regarding the scholarship money he would have to interview each of the remaining candidates and that he would make arrangements to meet with her.
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