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We had discussed that there was no kissing aloud but I opened up my mouth and gave him my tongue. We were both moaning wildly and sloppy kissing each other like teenagers! After a few minutes of this he pulled my head away from his by my hair and looked at me right in the eyes and told me to suck on his big black cock. NOW!I thought I shouldn’t but when he let go of my hair, as if on instinct, I dropped to my knees in front of him and grabbed his black cock in one hand and guided it into my hot. I really started wild and gave several big jolts for some time. She also kept on raising her butts completely and shoving her nipples in my mouth. She was in total frenzy and kept on moaning loudly on every thrust she gave and received.“Ohhh, baby, you cock is such a wonderful and big, it filled my cunt fully”, she said. “Now fill mommy’s love hole with your semens”, she murmured. I was now on my peak point moving my ass up and down fiercely. I felt that my cock is going to explode at any time.. ‘Well,’ she said to Jenn, ‘how’s my Scotty’s cock feel?’ ‘Wonderful,’ moaned Jenn. ‘His cock is so much bigger, fatter, and stronger than Greg’s.’ ‘I’m already hooked on being fucked by it, and I haven’t even been properly fucked yet!’ J looked at me and said, ‘Well, Scotty, beam her up! Let’s see you work that tool like I know you can.’ I looked back at my wife, smiled and said,’Thank you honey! I promise to fuck Jenn until she begs me to do it some more, and when she is completely exhausted. Jenny sat there silently for a while. I wanted her to go first, but once it was clear she was unsure of what to say, I began. "I'm sorry it all ended this way, Jenny. I never wanted this."Jenny looked at me for a moment. "I know." she said softly. "I let my envy and fears get to me. Then I believed that slut Shirley when she told me you were having affairs. In the end, your only fault was not appearing forceful in your dislike of Bill. But I can't use that as an excuse. I knew you didn't like.
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