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Bob had another surprise, he asked Jan if she wanted to come work for him. Well actually it was for THEM. Bill and Bob were partners but Bob always thought of himself as the boss and he even got Bill to let him name the place Cowboy Bob’s. Bill didn’t mind. Bill never seemed to mind. Jan jumped at the chance for a new job and she put her stamp on the place right from the start. She redecorated the office and she did a great job of it. She always did. She was very crafty that way. She did the. The place was... pretty empty. Almost nobody was left worshiping here. Monopoly's eyes seemed to linger on the empty donation trays laying at the feet of your statues...As you started to complain to Monopoly and point out that really, what do gods need money offerings for anyway, you heard the voice of a strict, elder woman. The viewpoint spun until you were watching a gray-haired old bat with a voice like a drill instructor, angrily enforcing her rules over several young priestesses. They're. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made love regularly, it had become rather routine and flavorless. This trip had been an attempt to rekindle the flame in their marriage. They decided to take a break from the. He stood up from the chair and in a stern tone said, “I’m going to tell on you two.”“If you even think about doing that I’m going to tell your wife about us,” she said as she slid off my dick and sat on the chair.She then spread her legs. I quickly reinserted my dick and continued fucking her. It was weird having Rich there watching us as he mumbled things like, “I can fuck her better than you,” and “Please stop.”Fucking at work was a thrill. The chance of getting caught made it that much.
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