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I felt filled and heard James moan. Remembering how Claire pleasured me I began to suck and wank James. His moans grew louder and to my surprise my cock got harder. After a few minutes I felt his buttocks tense and then hot salty cum flooded my mouth. I wanted to gag but James held my head in place and I had to swallow. James pulled his cock out and jerked the last few drops of cum onto my face. James picked me up and shockingly kissed me his tongue probing my mouth his hand caressing my arse. Took some mad luck for her to spot you entering though, right Edward?” Edward nodded lightly right before something in his brain clicked “It wasn’t luck. I was set up, but it wasn’t just by Jennifer. Oh no, Naomi had a hand in there too.”“Naomi?” “you know that promise I told you about yesterday? It was with this girl from my class called Naomi. She invited me to go with her to ‘the meet’, but it really didn’t make sense. She said she thought my music tastes good, but that would normally not. Suddenly Sally put both hands around one of Julia's bare titties. She cupped it so that the end was squeezed out of her hands towards her mouth. Sally barred her teeth and all saw how she bit down hard on the pink, tender bud. A resultant yelp was music to the men's ears. Sally held the damaged bud between her teeth showing everyone that she was actually biting by keeping her lips peeled back like a rabid dog. Julia was sobbing and whimpering out loud. Not so much from the pain or agony caused. He carried the box out of the closest and laid it on the bed, excited to see if his mom bought some sexy new lingerie. He closed his eyes and opened the box. When he did it he was amazed. He looked down and found it full of dildos of many lengths and colors. He had never used a dildo, but had fingered his ass many times before. He picked up a small 5 inch long realistic dildo and slowly looked over it. Spencer stuck the dildo on the wall infront of him and got to his knees and proceeded to suck.
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