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Her fingers dug into his back and she grabbed the fabric of his shirt covering his shoulder between her teeth as she ground her clit into him. This only lasted a few seconds before she lifted up, her clit becoming extremely sensitive as her orgasm ran its course. Putting her forehead on his shoulder, she panted for a few minutes before looking up at him with a smile.“Think you can go again or are you close?”He grinned back at her, “I think I’m good for one more.”Kal crawled into the other wagon. Judy finally stopped playing and said, “I am sorry you saw me doing that.” Samantha said, “oh don’t worry, I found it very sexy, but about 30 minutes ago I knocked and no one answered and I heard you moaning and opened the door.” Judy looked and said, “oh what did you see?” Samantha said I saw you cumming and the person making you do it wasn’t your husband.”Judy wasn’t sure what to say and hemmed and hawed a little and said, “I’m sorry you had to see that.” Samantha said, “I wasn’t at all, but. ... and I would grab you ass and pull you closer to me, while playing with your balls and feeling them tense. I want you to cum for me. In my mouth, deep into my throat .... mmmmmm you taste good.Well in 48 hours I will be able to hear your voice telling me what you'd like to do to me. And I will definitely tell you how much I want to take your cock into my mouth and bite you! ...Oops, wrong verb, lick, play with and suck you. I want to play with your balls. I want you to direct my head, while. I fell to one knee, and he hit me in the face with his weapon, chopping open my forehead, cracking the bridge of my nose and dropping me to all fours, head abuzz.Then came a crashing thump and the man fell to his back on the floor, right in front of me, his arms spread wide and feet kicking, eyes staring. A trickle of blood ran from his ear, and a dark liquid splashed down on my shoulder and his body. Artesia had hit him in the head with his heavy, cut-glass, port decanter. She had cracked his.
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