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He turned toward me and I stared at his manhood. OMG it was huge! Soft it hung down at least 10 inches. His balls looked like tennis balls in a large sack.The other two guys were, Stan and Sid, who I later found out were twins. Both looked like athletes. They were tall chiseled hard bodies with beautiful 7 inch cocks. Their bodies were hairless, just the way I like them.I was told to get my pants and shirt off. I was shaking with fear and excitement as I took off my shirt, pants, socks and. We enjoyed a great dinner of hamburgers, potato salad, chips and soft drinks as the sun went down and it became dark except for the moonlight on that beautiful summer evening. No one talked about what we all knew would happen after we went to bed in the big tent. We sat around the fire and roasted marshmallows for a little while after dinner, and then it was time for bed.It was still very warm that time of year in Arkansas, and we decided that it would be too hot to be in the sleeping bags. . She circled one hand around my waist and put the other on my cock. Her grip was like silk and steel. She stroked me as if she was mesmerized. She liked looking as much as being watched. Cee turned her head right to left again and again in order to have at least some eye contact with her three partners. Mitch moved onto his knees till his hips were even with Cee’s mouth. When she noticed, she raised a hand and began stroking him through the slick fabric of his workout pants. Sue looked up. I wonder if they’ve given up? Now it hasn’t worked. Or they’re trying to find a way to make a new batch without Thoro?”“Mmmm.” Sophie thought about that for a second. “And how can they keep it secret? I mean, somebody eventually has to notice they’ve swiped a whole two floors of the building or whatever it is! So perhaps they realise they won’t be able to grow another batch? Or they’re planning it like you say. Anyway we can ask now.”They were coming up to the door off the corridor; the one.
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