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I was pumping him good, deep strokes in and out, I was a novice I didn't know how to control my erection. It was the same when I masterbated, just cum quickly so no one catches me. I fucked him in that same manner, but he loved it.He could feel me about to cum."Don't cum in my ass baby" he saidI wasn't stoping, I wasn't pulling out. I am in this to the end. Instead of me pulling out, he pulled himself from my cock and turned quickly to his back, looking at me while he was panting and trying to. We stopped for a late lunch in Reno and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Bonnie and Sharon blew about a hundred dollars each in the slot machines while Missy, Jude, Cindi and I offered words of encouragement and rude comments. After lunch, we drove on to Battle Mountain, where we decided to spend the night.Tuesday, September 18, 1979We took off this morning and Missy drove to Wells, where we were going to turn north on highway 93. We pulled into Wells around noon, and since we didn't see anywhere. Sare ani nenu thana top tiyabothunte tanu aapaboindi kaani balavantanga tisesanu. Tana nadumu boddu chusi mathi poindi. Sexy ga undi. Mellaga tana nadumu thadumuthu tana nadumuni mudhu pedtu boddu ni mudhadtuna. Ala.Kasepu mudhu petti, tana boddu lo na nalika petti tana boddu ni na nalikatho dhengutunna. Ika tanu kasi midha undi. Ila kasepayaka tana petticoat tisa. Na jivitamlo modhatisari sallani chustuna.Ala sallani piskutuu tanani mancham pai padesa. Mellaga tana nadumu dagara agi tana. I shook my head. "What do you think? I was guy for twenty years andI've been a girl for like two hours. Of course I'm not." I sighedthough. "But I mean, I tried you know? I tried changing back and Icouldn't. So, I mean, I'm stuck like this right? I mean what else amI supposed to do? I'm not comfortable with it right now but I guessI'm gonna have to learn to GET comfortable." I looked up at them, attheir shocked or surprised or astonished faces. "What about you guys?" Same as you, I.
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