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I know you like doing that to me and I enjoy seeing you enjoy yourself.??I know that. But you have to admit, you didn’t like it when I pushed you this morning.??The whip hurt! And my legs were tired,? I argued.?But you still could run for short spurts. You should have let me decide if you were tired enough to deserve a rest. And you were downright pissed at me for whipping you. Weren’t you??I nodded my head sheepishly. ?I guess I was,? I admitted.?Conquer those problems and you’re essentially. She found a trucker and talked to him for a couple of minutes then told me to go with him. We walked into the truck stop and he paid for a shower and was given a key then snuck me into the shower with him. He told me to strip and put my clothes in his bag. Then he stripped and started the shower. He told me to get the soap and lather him up; to wash him good all over. Then he made me get on my knees and suck him off under the shower. After a few minutes he pulled me up and turned me around and. "He gave me his word, and for the second time in two days I launched into the explanation of where I came from. Leliana returned in the midst of this, and I started passing him items to back up my story. Having seen me disappear into thin air, he was moderately easier to convince than the rest of our little group, which was good because I knew nothing personal that I could use to convince him."So, you can see, I am not a noblewoman, just a mystery in disguise. And the disguise was necessary,. His uniform was always immaculate. He walked in the erect posture of a trained military man. If he hadn't been so stuffy, he would have been an attractive men. Gloria sensed that under his proper front was a man who would be a good fuck if he ever learned how to relax and enjoy life."Thank you, Colonel Pryor. My husband and I are very proud of Kurt." She smiled and waited while Kurt signed in."Behave yourself, darling, and I'll call you tomorrow before I leave," she said as she kissed Kurt.
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