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Let's establish the ground rules, first, nothing anal. Your prick gets anywhere near my ass, and it's over, got it?" The brothers exchanged a smile, "Yes, ma'am." "Second, only one of you at a time, unless I am giving one of you a blowjob and the other is fucking me. Clear?" "Crystal." "Yep. Clear." "Fine then. Which one of you is first?" "I kind of liked the idea of both of us." Jack stepped forward and picked her up bodily, setting her down on the poker table and pushing. Right?” I nodded. “I’ll ask her tonight and text you.”I had a hard on all through dinner and it was 9PM before I heard back. “Sis says she’ll try it. Our folks are out so come on over.”I slipped through the back yard and went to the family room. Sis and Bud were there. She had on a robe and I bet nothing else.“So you think you can satisfy a horny broad?”I took up the challenge, “Won’t know until we try!”She grinned, clearly enjoying herself, “If it makes you feel any better I’ve taught a few. A one-woman man like ShoelessJoe doesn't come around every day. Sexual frustration is the norm onPlanet Earth."Clara sighed. "It's so easy for you. I wish..." She stopped herselfshort. "No, I didn't mean that." Mean what?" Nothing."Mara knew that some persons believed that lurking godlings -- whatEarthmen would call spirits or fairies -- often eavesdropped upon humanconversation and punished foolish wishes by making them come true.The Hunter was tempted to increase the teasing, but this. “You can cum in my mouth,” Dani said. “I want to taste your cum.”She gently massaged my balls and then began to feverishly work her fingers back and forth on my cock.“You’re going to make me cum,” I declared.Dani shoved my cock back into her mouth and within seconds, I was unloading everything I had as she hummed her approval and I shot my load down her throat. Dani continued to work my cock in and out of her oral cavity, ensuring there was nothing left for me to give.Finally, she plopped down.
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