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I leaned down to kiss, lick, and nibble on the back of her neck. She moaned and twisted her head sideways. She wiggled her ass against me in a slow dance-like motion. We were grinding against each other in a perfect slow rhythm. Elena would toss her long hair around once in while whipping me in the face. She leaned down and pressed her ass firmly against me. Finally, she could hear me on the verge of exploding so she pulled away, turned around, and squatted down in front of me. She looked up at. "She took my hand and jauntily led us to her boudoir. I didn't ask about the notches on her bedpost. I thought it might be the result of a scissoring accident.The handcuffs lying on the floor led me to believe she might be an undercover cop. Which was convenient because under her covers was to be my next destination. Joining me beside her classy, heart-shaped bed, Constance began undressing me with the sensual touch normally only found late-night on Skinemax.With the long-awaited moment now at. And besides, both women are actually pretty attractive, middle-aged, good looks, nice tits, and put on a pretty good show with one another and obviously enjoy it when they do."I thought about it, and then gave in. My curiosity and dick getting the better of me. "Ok, go ahead and tell them we're interested," I told him. He was smiling from ear to ear."Already did. Friday night, 8:00, room 431!"We were met at the door by a guy that was bigger than the two of us put together. He scrutinized my. It’s just a taste of your body's heat and need. I swear I can feel your heartbeat through the embrace, but maybe that was just the pounding bass.A slower song begins to play as you pull away from me. Too soon, I lament to myself. The bass line is artificially enhanced to make it easier to dance to. The smirk never leaves your lips as you begin to slowly rotate in front of me, showing off that amazing ass. I stand there and watch, enjoying the show, until you're eyeing me again. There's a.
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