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I’m waiting for a shipment that’s on this shuttle. I’m working with the Agriculture folks on a project. I’ve been researching old-time herbal and tribal medicines. There are some indications that aboriginal remedies can be effective. I hope to find things that we can use if we run low on supplies.”“Sounds interesting I hope it works out.” I was trying to be polite.While we were talking, the overhead announced that the shuttle was docking. The procedure didn’t take long, and before Doc Holland. . nipples like yours before."With a sly grin I asked "What about my nipples?"Feeling more at ease he continued "They are so incredibly huge..." he paused once again to swallow, "... beautiful." he finished in a whisper."So you like what you see?" I said. All this talk about my now aching nipples was getting to me. The horns were starting to pop out on my head as my exposed pussy started to drool."God yes! They are like a dream come true."The hormones must have been responsible for what I said. Five thousand strikes. Forty each day. That is… one hundred and twenty… twenty-five days.” She gulped. Still a long time.“Each unsanctioned orgasm you experience from now on, either during the spanking or in unsupervised moments, will result in thirty additional strikes,” Charles added.“During…?” Ada bit her lip and shook her head, disbelieving.Her husband chuckled again. “You will get used to the pain,” he promised with certainty. “Then, you will start to enjoy it. Eventually, you will crave. The right offer hasn’t come up yet.” Kathy continued saying, “I believe it will only be a matter of time before your Master dumps you and comes for the best available first mistress.”I smiled at Kathy and said, “Let’s see now, I’ve talked to” and named off six masters, “that told you to get away from them. They had no need for a problem submissive who couldn’t lead if she had a script to work from. Am I close to the heart of the matter?” I thought she was going to come unglued, but with a busy.
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