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Looking around, Charlene noticed several other couples sitting in thecafe or walking around together. After lunch they went to a few storesthen saw a movie. During the movie Stan put his arm around Charlene andCharlene rested her head on his shoulder. While Stan found Charlene quiteattractive, he also knew it was really his friend Charlie and he didn'twant to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable or ruin theirfriendship. It was difficult going to an all-boys boarding school. She was the girl that one lays in bed crying, thinking about what they would do to even hold her hand. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I watched every graceful movement that hypnotized me into a trance I never wanted broken. She had the posture of a queen, and the face carved by angels. Everything I had ever wanted slipped away into a starry floating dream that was this girl. The flight was called and I watched her get up and I made sure I was far enough behind her in the line that I could. " You stated to your lawyer that ten minutes later you called your wife's work number and she wasn't there but that you talked to Cindy, another woman in the office." It's true, I asked to speak to Darcy but Cindy said she already left. She said she was going shopping and to a movie with a friend."I asked if anyone else had just used her phone and Cindy said Bob did. He was calling me to come up to Mark's cabin to go fishing, at least that's what Darcy had told her. When I asked to speak to Bob. “You know I could fuck her right?““Excuse me?”, my attention shot back to him.He waved toward Lilly who was playing the water and occasionally glancing over her shoulder at us. “Yeah sure. Once a fine woman like that gets a peek at my cock she can’t help it. Bet I could fuck her, right here on the beach, in front of everyone.““Not a damned chance”, I was angry. “My girlfriend and I care for each other very much, we’d never cheat, and certainly not with a stranger in public.“ Part of me wanted.
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