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Last weekend, here in Hong Kong and in fact on this very bed, an old friend had done her with considerable skill and fantastic energy. He had done this from after dinner to after dawn. They hadn’t seen each other for more than a year. Derek had moved his massage to her back, making long strokes that ran from up her spine from her ass to her neck. He was also deliciously sweeping every third hand stroke under her to tease her pussy, her mound and her nipples. Em was floating in a hot pink haze,. The smell of his own father's cock. Then he kissed his ass cheeks and pulled the boxers away.Dave's ass was red from the fucking his friend's Dad had given him.The father grabbed his son from off his back and threw him again to the floor, then claimed his own son's ass once again.He pushed his cock up and into the overwhelmed boys, swapping from one to the other, then back again, then again.The two boys grabbed each other's cocks and rubbed them.Finally, once he'd fucked them all he wanted,. Then again, few duties were more enjoyable, physical exertions notwithstanding.Of course, by now, they were all quite heavily pregnant, these wives of mine, except for Tara, who had already given birth to Lilith, and Eve, who as a demoness was able to induce her labor early without any fear or distress. She delivered just three days before, bringing a little hybrid creature with nubs for horns and a pointed tail. Not to mention bright red skin. My demon son was awarded the name Cain, of course.. "Frankly Mr. Jones, I don't either," Strickland said, getting up from the table to wrap things up. "But I suspect you will be finding out shortly. The girls, Jill, Sabrina, and Kelly are all waiting for you in the penthouse as we speak. They expressed quite a lot of interest in meeting you."I walked back to the lot where my car was parked. The law office had given me a large folder of legal papers to carry and I hung onto them for dear life since they were worth several hundred million dollars.
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