Wife Kissing mp4

Igot to the bar and ordered my usual vodka and tonic water.I seemed to be soon surrounded by various guys coming up to the bar ordering drinks, most said hi making small talk with me.It wasn’t long before a very good looking guy came up and asked if I was alone.I explained that my lodger was there and we had come together although we weren’t a couple, It was just more convenient that he could drive me.We chatted a while as he plied me with more drink before he finally asked me to dance. I soon. After a few moments, he appeared at her side and they made their way to collect their luggage. “Well, Mattie Black?” Simon smiled, stroking her shoulder, “What would you like to do first?” He looked at his watch. “It’s a little after 10am, so we pretty much have the whole day ahead of us. What do you fancy? A little sight-seeing, grab a quick bite to eat or shall we just go straight to the hotel?” Mattie thought for a moment, “Can we take the scenic route to the hotel, get freshened up and. “Simone, you won. Ever licked ass before?”She nods yes. I start jerking off and gesture Anne to come suck on my cock. She jumps at the opportunity and starts licking the tip. I close my eyes and get comfortable, let the weed and alcohol open my senses. Simone, a tight cunt from an exotic country is giving me a rimjob, taking good care of my asshole and sometimes prodding inside with her little tongue. She clearly did this before. A sloppy blowjob from a doe eyed blonde, deepthroating and. Then she was like, "Anywaaaaays," and started rambling on again, but she kind of had the giggles and was being very distracted. Then she looked at the foot of my bed and saw that my comforter had been pushed off onto the floor, so she started reaching over trying to pull it up saying something about not having blankets on the floor, and she was kind of "fake" struggling with it, then she pivoted around and got up on my bed on all fours, facing away from me and reached over the back of the bed.
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