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My pussy clenched as I seized my bestest friend and favoritest wife Janet. I pulled her to me, our hips moving, our tits pressed together. The music guided our dancing. The men clapped, watching us with hungry gazes. Their cocks swelled with their excitement. A hot flush ran through me.Soon, we would be such wicked wives and help these men with their painful bulges.My hands slid up and down her waist as we danced closer and closer to each other. Our hips undulated, rubbing our crotches. Me- so my new bitch, stand on this sofa keeping your hands up and don'tmove an inch.She obeyed and stood on the sofa with pubic hairs displayed on her armpits. I had a big scale on my right hand and came near her and gave hardslap on her left cheek with my left hand and she turned red faced by theslap.Me- you deserve this bitch, having such body and such desires you did nottell me any thing and only called me for lunch and that too you wanted tohave me in your style. Now speak out what else you. ~Author unknown~Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,Go out and buy some more tunnel.~John Quinton~Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich,By promising to protect each from the other.~Oscar Ameringer~I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us,I will stop telling the truth about them.~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952~A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for. " In that case he could be. I know his father's a surgeon at St James's University Hospital in Leeds." Almost certainly."After dinner Frances shooed Mark and Victoria off to the drawing room."You can come and earn your keep by giving me a hand," she said to Anthony who huffed and puffed a bit but did as he was told."There's a reason for my bossiness," she smiled at him when the young had left the kitchen. "They're sleeping together."Anthony groaned."Darling, be realistic. You've acknowledged.
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