Woodman Casting Rose Delight mp4

Faster now though her staff falls to the ground her wand she tosses on the table and the jacket is off in a flash. She walks up to Myra and takes her in her arms and kisses her bottom lip first then the top before her tongues slides in her mouth tasting her. Her hands rub up and down Myra’s back, down to her ass she squeezes slightly pulling her tight against her.Cara pulls back a little to look at her. To stare in her green eyes a moment as her hands run through her long and yes very soft. We said vials and we said I do and vicar said I pronounce you man and wife you now kiss the bride and we kiss for 10 seconds and left for our hotel room the bridal suite and we could wait anymore as soon we got in the room we started to up dress each other and I stood there in my sexy bridal lingerie with my rock hard cock looking at my dads now husbands 7 inch rock hard cock and he said “Jenny you look very sexy in that bridal lingerie now take off the underwear part and lets do this my new. After a few more minutes of glorious deep throat fucking, he pushed my head back hard against the door and pushed himself against my face so that my nose was smushed and I could feel the thick throbbing head of his cock all the way in the back of my throat. Suddenly, warm fluid filled my throat and I had no choice but to swallow. After swallowing what felt like a gallon of cum, he withdrew his still hard and faintly throbbing cock from my face. He then started slapping my face with his slightly. Now I realize most men would probably turn at the learning of that fetish but honestly over the years my willingness to be open and sexually curious has broadened significantly. I introduced her to a MWM experience. She enjoyed it but being our first time was a bit akward for her. Now after that happened I opened up to her about my INTERRACIAL FETISH. Now I come to explain to her that I am more of a voyer in the midst of these sexual fantasies. I confessed to her that it would be an ultimate.
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