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’ ‘But that’s no reason to go fucking guys off the street,’ I said. She paused and looked at me strangely, ‘Emm, have you, you know, done it, yet? Just out of curiosity.’ ‘Yes, I have,’ I said steely, ‘Who?’ she replied as we walked to my room. ‘None of your business.’ I said as we sat down on the bed, ‘And I have a boyfriend.’ ‘You are way to young to have a boyfriend, never mind having sex and I know I haven’t set the best example but still,’ she said. ‘I don’t think this is the right time to. I’m not even sure now how we met and became friends, but that’s irrelevant now, I suppose. What matters is that by our senior year, we were each other’s best friend. I talked him into learning tae kwon do with me, he was teaching me how to drive a stick-shift. He helped me with my calculus homework, I would write his essays for English. Hardly a day went by that we didn’t talk. My friends were perpetually commenting on how much like a couple we seemed, but I managed to hide my infatuation even. I had always used lubricants for that, so the inner pervert scored again. I was still looking at the screen, but in the corner of my eye I could see Tom’s silhouette outside the window.I gave the dildo a nice blowjob, more than was necessary to make it wet. I never knew I could be such a pervert; a small part of me was protesting, but it could not fight the growing arousal. Eventually I took the dildo out of my mouth and pushed it between my other lips. The toy was about as big as my. And with your parents being so overbearing, you haven't even been able to explore much in the way of porn. You literally wouldn't know what to do with a girl if you got one.You think your best hope is to keep your head down and ignore the slurs and shoves and hope to survive senior year. Maybe college will be populated with more enlightened folk. Or at least ones less likely to humiliate and haze you. Maybe you'll even meet a girl that is into shorter guys that are a little on the scrawny side,.
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