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It was always a bone popper whenever I saw them sleeping together. I walked in one time to find that they had fallen asleep in the 69 position. They had their arms wrapped around one another’s hips with their faces turned slightly so one of their cheeks cuddling the others pussy and pubic hair. I was torn that day between standing there and taking in the view or sliding around and slipping my erection into the closest one.Anyway, back to the road trip, I was gone for two and a half weeks all by. My name is Joseph Smart but Joey will do. I introduced myself and told him we were glad to have him on the team. He gave me the once over, nothing inappropriate as I did him and went back to work. Don’t know what it was about Joey but he seemed to have an magnetic air about him. Confident and maybe a little arrogant. Usually not my type but still there was something. Oh well back to work. An email popped up from my best friend, Nancy Flowers asking if I wanted to meet for a drink. I met her at. "Jessie I've decided to stay," She cried.Kathy sat up in her bunk. Jessie's words spoke their message to her and then the silence returned. She was alone with her thoughts. First, her thoughts turned to her parents and earth; she remembered the loneliness of growing up an only child, and then the welcome togetherness of college life. She was close to her Mom but although she loved him dearly, her Dad was quite often gone on business. She thought of Kurt, Troy, and Suzie; how great it felt to be. Why wouldn’t we be? That was provided I could find a way out of this supply room by evening, which I suspected I could. I sent him a text assuring him that indeed, we were still on, and put the phone away. They were wrapping up. Her arms were around his neck, and his were around her back. They were pressed tightly together, and going fast, both focused on one thing. There was a wet, muffled slapping as they pounded at each other. His gasps had gotten very desperate. She was shuddering through.
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