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Jay continued, “We don’t expect anything. Whatever happens, happens. If that’s just drinks and conversation, great. If it ends up a wild drunken orgy, that’s just a bonus!” Derek found himself liking Jay, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy that was just about the sex. Jackie and Derek wanted friends that they could have fun with in and out of the bedroom, this could be that couple. When Jackie and Sheila pulled into the driveway, they saw a glow from the backyard that meant the guys had a fire. . hey, did I just say that? I didn't get a chance to respond to her heartfelt apology before Rich gave his next command."Remove his jeans." That said, Lisa immediately lifted up my T-shirt and went for my fly. She was, however, cut off by Mr. Riding Crop."THWACK!"Lisa whimpered, stood straight up and her hands involuntarily went back to cover her legs. This is the part where Rich goes berserk..."I KNOW you just didn't try to cover yourself from me!" This time he raised his voice."No Master!". "God, I hope not," I said. Violetta was my main online confidante, and though she sometimes suggested drawing others into my confidences when they had skills and knowledge that could prove useful, she had never told those people why they were being consulted, merely told them that I, through her, was asking them to contact me. The thought that she might be betraying me sent a cold shiver down my back. I liked Violetta. So, for that matter, did Brandon and Meredith (who had both met her online). "I ask the questions mother fucker!" I pulled him to the ground and stomped on his throat until he was coughing up blood. Dumb bastard. I turned back to the girl and she was crying and shit, so I got the knife and pried her eyes out. Show her to have fucking tears again. By that time, i heard police sirens everywhere, so I knew they were here. I ran out the dor, down the hall, and was then tackled by 4 fucking cops. Damn pigs. They drug me to their pig cop car and threw me in. They drove me to.
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