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Wouldn’t you like to suck it?” Millie looked at Ann horrified. “Suck it?” she exclaimed “I don’t think so. That is too weird”. Ann knelt beside Max “he likes it Millie dear” Ann said and, grabbed hold of his still swollen knot, she began to lick Max’s cock. “Come on honey. Come and give it a lick” Ann said. Despite Millie’s initial reluctance seeing Ann doing it emboldened her. Both women were running their tongues up and down Max’s still erect cock. Ann slipped it into her mouth and sucked and. I seat him in the living room and go to my room to change into my house clothes. I generally didn't wear underwear because I never liked underwear. So I put on a hoodie and some shorts and go down. My clothes were baggy and not at all revealing so my mother did not have an issue with it at all.As I come down he is on his laptop doing something, and I pop into the kitchen to get some food for me and him. I grab a whole bunch of junk food and head to the living room. He is sitting on one of the. Now it was my turn to be worried and I simply said that this is first and last, she agreed on first and tell that after her marriage she will never call me for this. I said OK. She comes towards me and started kissing me. First I feel very strange because I never kissed any girl other than my wife later after 10 minutes it was feeling good mean while she open her dress and my shirt also, suddenly she unzip my jeans and grab my penis which was in semi erect condition, we were sitting on sofa and. The last couple of days you have--" I searched for words to express how I felt. "You've completed me. Like you put stuff in place that I need and didn't have." I lucked out." She cried.We spent most of the day in bed, and I learned as much about every position she liked and every way she liked being caressed and kissed as I could. I knew a lot about pleasuring her by the time our folks returned from vacation. At night we kept the door to our bedroom shut and learned quickly to make love without.
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