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“Don’t cry, Nana. Mommy will give you a kiss, and make it better.”Janet smiled at her granddaughter through her tears and hugged her fiercely.“Thank you, Ali, but I bet a hug from you would be much better.”Jeryl wiped her own eyes and smiled at our daughter.It was a short ride back to the Meadows and soon we were putting brave faces on things once again. Anna disappeared with the kids, including Jonathan, Richard and Trisha’s son. Jeryl, Jordan, and Jyl seemed to congregate together, as. I guess they noticed.“Could you use some help with that,” Thomas asked.“Thomas!”“Well, he seems to be having some difficulty under the table. I’m just trying to be a good host and see if I can help him with it.” The smile on his face broadened.Again, I must have turned even redder.“Now I’ve done it,” Thomas chided. “I’ve embarrassed you even more.”“It’s not that I’m embarrassed, Thomas,” I told him. “It’s just that I’ve never been propositioned by another man before. At least I think I was. Looking around, I saw the storm continuing to rage around us, but it was like we were in the eye where nothing was happening.Sally looked up. "Is it over? What was that?" Then she noticed the eerie contrast as well.Mr. Gillman looked around. "Either the storm is as odd as it is for just showing up..." and he looked at me "or Ral is demonstrating an ability he has yet to discover."Sally looked at me. "You're doing this?"I thought about the storm. I could feel it at range, and the sensation of. Why would a man married to a woman like you ever want to share her with another guy?”My feelings felt like they were being put through a mangle as I listened, but my cock had never been harder and I desperately wanted to hear where this conversation was going.“It all goes back to his childhood. We’ve talked about it a lot over the years, and he really gets off on it. We’ve role-played about it more than can you imagine. We’ve even got a couple of toys we use.”“What about you? Are you okay with.
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