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She smiled and snuggled close. ‘And we are,’ she whispered. ‘Always. I do still love you, Charlie.’ That helped. When she left, she promised: ‘It won’t be eight months till next time, Charlie. I’ll see you soon.’ But as he stood on his balcony and watched her go–this time, she looked up and waved–he knew that he would never see her again. —- He tried to let it be enough. They talked occasionally, but planned no meetings. They emailed, once or twice a week, and stayed in touch, he tried to. Some you drank. Some you inhaled. Some you sniffed. And always around her the presence of naked or near-naked flesh, feeling her skin against theirs and their skin against hers. And soon she was lying on the grass on the lawn under the artificial night of their artificial world, looking up at the stars beyond the great transparent dome and the massive glory of the nearby gas giant, Uranus, shining almost as brightly as the distant Sun itself.She was with Elise and Alifa. Their three bodies were. Enough memory for twenty pictures was fine when I was shooting in order to create a vector drawing, but it would not even be close to enough for the wedding. I had been spending some time on line doing basic research. I figured I needed enough memory for three to five hundred shots at the highest resolution possible.Since it was an evening wedding, I also researched and bought an off camera wireless flash and stand. I sure as hell hoped the crash course I gave myself made me, if not competent. I told him you were here and that we would not be hooking up; that he had to leave.”I paused and nodded my head in acknowledgment. “What did he say?”“Nothing. He looked hurt a little, but just turned around and walked away.”At that moment the doorbell rang again. I looked at Lisa. She stared at me. “Well, go ahead. Fuck her. Answer the door, take her upstairs, and fuck her.” There was no emotion in her voice. Just a matter of fact; almost a resignation to what she started.“Are you going to.
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