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In reality, that is not what happened at all as it was more of a smokescreen for corporate directives that really did not create any real change. Oh well. Anyways…In this “customer first” group were eight employees and one of our assistant store managers. We were also joined each week by the district manager, who oversaw all the “customer first” groups in my store’s district. Most of the group members were over 40 years of age and had several years of experience in grocery or retail. But Abby. I’m gratified they appreciated my efforts.’ He was aloof. That was an effort? Declining to make my wedding a marketing circus was an effort? He was gratified? I knew efforts was an attempt to spin his backing down as going out of his way to do something nice for us. That I could stomach. Gratified was just pompous. Jeff would have been gratified I didn’t burst into flame and call my father an asshole. My newfound ability not to fly off the handle was a measure both of how far I had come and how. It became routine for us to rent a room from the same hotel, and we would spend hours and hours exploring each other and making each other feel completely spent and fulfilled. Nothing was left unexplored. Nothing was left unsaid. But this night started differently.It had been a rough week, and you had been completely stressed out from your hectic job and family life, and even though you always looked forward to our nights together, tonight you were a little distant and distracted. Normally our. One woman at a time is as complicated as I want my life to get, otherwise I can't relax enough to enjoy it. Or them. "I don't want you to think I don't find you attractive. You have a good body, as well as a good head on your shoulders. The circumstances just haven't been right for me to feel right about thinking about you that way. "I don't want to do anything I can't make a commitment on, even if probably nothing comes of it," he added. "That certainly doesn't bother some people, I can tell.
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