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‘Sure, sure’ he said so I turned round. He kept his hand on me so it quickly was on my bum and he gave me a squeeze that made me jump.‘I like your bum too’ he said, giving it another squeeze but this time pushing a finger into my crack.‘Hey !’ I protested, ‘you were just going to look’ but as I tried to turn again he suddenly put his other hand firmly on my shoulder and all at once I could feel one of his leg’s shoving up between my legs and his other hand rubbing over my bum cheeks. He kissed. I thought it was hot to think that another man could see just what I have and the woman I wake up next to every morning. After discussing everything with Kelly, she said “So it is sort of like you having the best cupcake in the world and you give someone a little bit of icing. You still have the cupcake and they want more because they liked the taste of it.” Well, it is more then a cupcake, but yeah. I assured her that we make love. What we would do outside of that would be just sex. For. There was a flurry of fingers and clothing. She lay back down, and cooed for him to join her. He climbed onto the bed, and started kissing her from her lips to her pussy. She spreads her leg and he repositioned himself between them. His fingers spread the lips and see the juices leaking from her sex, the liba is swollen and the clit is exposed. He takes his tongue and runs it the full length of her slit, feeling her begin to shake. He feels her hands pull his head tight against her pussy, as. "Still not getting any, Brad?" I smiled at him, "Should have stayed married, dude."Even pencil neck Larry laughed at that one."Hey, Jimmy," I said as I took a spare stool next to him and caught the bartenders eye."Boss."I took my drink and we both sat there in an awkward silence. He had been away most of the week assigned to another department so we hadn't really had a talk about what happened."It's not what you think," I finally said to him.Jimmy shrugged. "And what do you think I'm thinking?".
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