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And with that I slide around behind her and began to slide myself into her back door. I had my entire cock deep into her and she was so worked up that she came in just a dozen strokes. Her tits rubbing the floor. Joy and I fucked a dozen times that night and then went back to the camp site just as the sun was starting to come up over the lake. Steve was still out cold and Sue was just waking up as both Joy and I slide into our tent. Sue was wearing only a t shirt and her bare ass was exposed to. His ass cheeks were already in the air but not enough for my lips to reach his perfectly ready cock to be serviced and collect my reward. What a dilemma!! But my desire to fuck him had taken the back seat, with agony I pulled my still humongous staff out of his fuck hole and quickly raised myself on my knees. Giving him no chance to comprehend I snatched his cock and took it in my mouth.I could not believe that I was actually doing this. I think that it was just that I was so fucking hot at. In fact I like that. I think she is ready after this tourney to maybe go to the upper ranks.’ he said thoughtfully. He suddenly perked up. ‘I’ll make you a deal, Nick. If she sweeps the tourney, you give her a shot against Mijah Loriani. If she doesn’t than I’ll train a fighter of yours for free for three months. Sound good?’ he offered. Nick smiled at that idea. Mijah was one of the better fighters at the one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty pound category. He knew that Anna was a good. I had been having trouble with my tv and internet access and called the provider to see if they could send someone over to help.A knock on my door the following day revealed the companies helper, a nice size Bear of a man.He was maybe 6ft in height, 200+ pounds with a slight belly and the first thing I noticed he was hairy.I felt my heart skip a few beats as I mentally pictured him nude.After a short conversation in which I told him of my tv and internet issues he got to work.I couldn't help.
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