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Being able have have her do that...while you're...I mean, whenever..." "Is it just that?" Jason said. "What?" "Why you envy me. Is it just because I can make her come on command? Or is it Lilah herself? You find her attractive, do you?" "Well, I--well, sure. Yes--I mean, sure, she's a very pretty woman, and she's--I mean..." "She's hot, right?" "Well, yeah." "And you'd like to fuck her yourself, even if it wasn't for the other. She made as if to protest but Alexia explained."You've seen an animal lick its wounds?" she laughed, the first pretty sound Clementine had heard since arriving. " Well, that's what we do here. It works after a fashion. In the morning we'll all piss all over that back It'll hurt as bad as the whipping, but it'll do your stripes a power of good. Nasty but effective. It's an old remedy in these parts. Don't worry, you'll soon smell bad enough anyway after working all day, just like the rest of. He had to go bathroom so I took my chance to talk to my wife. I asked her if she was having fun. She told me the whole time, all she could think about was wanting one of these guys to get her pregnant and wondering which one it would be. She told me that she wanted this guy to come over all the time and wondered if I minded him coming over while I was at work and staying nights with us also. She also told me she wanted us to continue with this until we knew for sure she was pregnant and. Then she moaned, Fuck me mmmm Huh&hellip, fuck you, you sure My hips moved on their own trying to push my hard cock into her virgin heat, but she moved away and said softly No&hellip, fuck my ass Hun&hellip, your ass Yess I want you to fuck me I my ass please And she raised her hips up and sort of wrapped her legs around me, reached down and grabbed my already rock hard cock and rubbed it slowly up and down her tight slit gathering her hot love juice, mixed with my precum coating the head of my.
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