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She took her time, acutely aware that now three of the men were watching her with rapt attention. Only Undertaker showed no change in attitude. “I do this tonight, and?” The inflection in her voice conveyed the meaning of her question.“You're in no position to barter, Patricia.” Mr. Johnson looked at her expectantly. She finished unbuttoning the blouse, and shrugged it off, catching it as it fell and putting it neatly on the back of a near-by chair. She purposely took pains to gracefully. Stepping closer to the dim light doorway light he stood quietly, shivering, shifting on his feet, reading. Thank you for being prompt and dressed appropriately. I assume that you are wearing your plug as directed and that of course, pleases me greatly; if you are not, I expect a full explanation and we will discuss that at a later time. Your instructions are below. Follow them to the letter or ... . Always, my beloved pet, remember how much I love you and I hope you enjoy what I have. Shaun was there to keep them busy so I was able to relax and enjoy the family as we prepared for the holiday. That night Shaun was the first to slip away, twenty minutes later I said good night and followed. When I went to my room the adjoining bathroom door was closed and I heard water flowing, my brother was taking a shower. I had to piss like crazy but I didn’t want to go to the hallway bathroom because the twins were in the house somewhere, lurking, lusting after me. I eased open the door. "Jenny will receive 20 lashes across her body. There will be no restrictions except the face and the feet."This drew a gasp from the assembled crew. Amanda felt herself blanch. Normally beatings were just to the bottom or, occasionally, the breasts. She glanced up at the girl suspended above her. Although the colour had drained from her face it remained set and defiant."Normal rules will otherwise apply," John continued. "No blood will be drawn, except accidentally, and no permanent damage will.
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