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I can tell you’re having a pretty intense craving because of this idea. How many guys are you thinking?"“Twenty!” I blurted. “Twenty minimum, with more if we can arrange it."“Fuck, Katie,” he shook his head but was still grinning. “You’re going to need help with twenty guys. You can’t suck and stroke fast enough.”Quite an ironic comment for a husband to say to his wife, I thought.“Sure, we could add a couple of girls too. I’d hope after the first round of BJ’s the guys might want to fuck, so. In a husky voice, Joani said, "I want you to tie me up by my wrists to a ceiling hook and then tickle me with my feather whip/tickler. Then gently run some of my needle wheels - I have four different types of 'em - all over my body. After that, I want you to stand in back of me and run your strong, black hands over me while kissing my neck and shoulders. And then," Joani looked seriously and directly into his dark eyes, "I want you to whip me - I have fifty different kinds and types of whips. He has a better arm, and better wheels, than every ... single ... one ... of you. He may be smaller than all you backs, but he’s also stronger than every ... single ... one ... of you. He did forty reps at two twenty-five, and ten reps at five hundred. Jerry Wallace saw him catch, saw him throw. Jerry, what did you think?”“Coach! Cal can kick all our asses. Coach!”“That’s right, ladies. He’s also the one that put Baker down yesterday when he tried to kill Elizabeth Watson. Now, ladies, helmets. Since this was my last required clinical, I decided to rush it up to the lead instructor’s office. I walked through the hospital and went up to the fifth floor. I dropped off a copy and headed back to the surgery locker room. As I pushed the door open, I heard loud music playing. The air was moist and warm, as if someone had been running a shower. I walked over to my locker and spun the combination knob. Just then, I heard her voice. There on the other side of the fake wall stood.
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