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After I turned you around I applied the soap to the succulent part of you between your legs. I started with the insides of your thighs, caressing lovingly. I then cleaned the spot that had once been the home of your landing strip. Then I began to work my way around the outside of your pussy, beginning at the bottom. After five minutes of bathing that part of you I still hadn’t touched any part of your cunt and you were going crazy! I cautiously slipped one soapy finger into your pussy and. I sat down amongst them, close to my new friend Barry.He ordered me another drink and I was starting to get fuzzy after several margaritas…Barry smiled at me and he put his dark hand on my knee. He started rubbing my leg and I spread my thighs out so he could do as he pleased. Then his hand moved up to my tiny thong and started rubbing my puss lips through the thin material. He took my hand and put it on his hardening cock. I started rubbing it through his trousers.I felt it was growing even. The two were making out on the couch, with Ed fondling her sweatshirt covered tits. When he tried to slide his hand under her shirt, she grabbed his hand and told him firmly "NO". I had always told Ed that when a girl says 'no' it means 'no'. I was glad to see that he had learned his lesson.It was late April before the I got some new action from the VCRs. The weather had warmed up, but pool season was still over a month away. Amy asked if she could have a couple of her friends over for the. He never does, not right away. Instead, for a long moment, he stands somewhere beyond arm’s reach, where I can feel him close but can’t tell exactly where he is. He stands there, and he watches.The cum has soaked the front of the bag completely, and it plasters against my forehead, my nose, my cheeks. I can feel its wetness, the cum cool against my skin. Again the feeling, again the thought. Garbage.I’d give anything to be allowed to come.“Let her loose!” he says, and for a moment I delude.
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