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Once inside, a huge black man called Ned told me he was the manager. He made me go to his office for the interview.He explained that some people loved to take some sexy pictures of the models. He also said that some models had and “extra” business with the customers; but on their own…I was still some naïve and had no idea what he was talking about, but I felt I needed the money.Then Ned took some outfits for me and told me he wanted to take some photos dressed up as a lingerie model.After. He was asleep almost instantly.The sun filtering through the cabin window woke him, just like on every other day, and he groaned as he levered himself up off the soft mattress. Mornings were tough on him, had been for years. Decades of abuse and injuries had made mornings a symphony of creaking joints, aching bones and sore muscles.He stripped off his shirt, giving himself a quick wipe-down with a medicated cloth and then used the aloe lotion that he bought on his monthly trip to town. He. ‘Average’ at best ... A round face, small nose, wide mouth. Not unpleasant, but no-one would give her a second look if she wasn’t on this particular show. Thick rimmed spectacles, with thick lenses, make her dark little eyes look over-sized. Then there’s a wild mass of long mousy brown hair that hangs down over her shoulders.Her face would rate a 5/10.She’s attractive enough ... For a dog!She comes to a halt on her mark, a little black tape ross on the floor infront of the bed, flips that hair. I finally couldn’t stand it any longer and got down on my knees. I put my head and arms on the bed and spread my legs open while raising my ass into the air, Pete moved around behind me but kept on licking my pussy. I reached through his front legs and began stroking his cock. After a few strokes Pete got the Idea and mounted me. His dick went right up my ass and it felt so good I let him pound my ass for awhile. I thought that when his knot started to grow I would change to my pussy. After.
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