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After few minutes of chit chatting, Sheela called Grandma that show was about to begin.We all proceeded to bed room. I was surprised by the size of the bed. It was so big, six couples can comfortably fit. Grandma sat in a chair. Nagarathna asked us to sit in a circle on the bed.” I will spell out the menu. First let each person speak out what he or she wants to do. Then I will decide who does what. I am the commander in chief. You have to obey me. Other wise there will be utter chaos,which cock. In seconds, they were soul kissing. Another Black dude got up and put his hand up her skirt from behind. She now had a Black man front and back feeling her up.They undid her blouse, unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. In a flash, her bra was undone and those beautiful breasts bounced out. She stood in front of the Blacks naked except for purple garter belt, nylons and the stiletto sharp platform heels.The scene changed. A tattooed Black reclined leisurely on a large sofa. He had short. Music was playing. We slow danced with T & J 3 times. I noticed my sister put her head on his shoulder. OMG. I think she likes him. J pulled me closer but I resisted then his hands went around my hips and his face was next to mine.I began to give in.My sister was kissing T and making out heavy. J. was holding the top of my ass cheeks squeezing me.My sister sat down with him so I sat next to her. J was looking at me funny. I thought he wants some pussy tonight or at least a BJ. Well not from. I slept almost all the way to the farm. I was sweating a little when I woke up. The Jeep's air-conditioning wasn't up to the challenge of Valley heat.As we got close to the farm entrance I caught sight of Harry standing a little ways back from the road in the orchard, close to his property line. He gave us a cheery wave as we went by. Hebe ignored him, and I didn't feel cheered by his greeting. My unease was compounded when Mr. Z's Tesla passed us going the other way right before we turned off.
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